August 28, 2013


     This website will be for all of us to learn and discuss what we need to know for the AP World History exam in May of 2014. I will be posting "re-teachings" of the lessons and the main points that you really need to know as soon as I can after each lesson is taught in school (sorry, you kind of have to go to my school to know what's going on!). I will have a chapter-by-chapter summary running as well.
     In regards to comments, they are all appreciated. When commenting, please leave your first name and last initial, so I know who I will be responding to (and who is paying attention!). Please do not give me any reason to remove your comments - nothing too suggestive, violent, or hate-filled, and please keep the profanity to a minimum. No putting others down - we are all here to learn.
     Feel free to look around the site. All comments are appreciated, and THERE ARE NO STUPID QUESTIONS. If you have a question, PLEASE ask so that I (or another commenter) can help clarify things for you. Please let me know if there is anything more that I can help you with!

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